最大限度的确保客人的满意度及酒店利益 ( 中英文 )
To resolve guest complaints and disputes in an efficient and professional manner.. 用一种有效、专业的方式解决客人投诉和争执。 To ensure highest level of guest satisfaction and hotel interest. 最大限度的确保客人的满意度及酒店利益。 To report to the management so as to review the complaints to rectify any problem and prevent loss of future business opportunities. 向 管理 层报告投诉的处理情况,防止酒店商业机会的流失。 Policy Statement 政策阐述 It is the policy of the hotel that all guest complaints and disputes are solved amicably in the highest level of guest satisfactions and hotel interest. 此项政策旨在最大限度保证客人满意度和酒店利益 , 并友善地对客人投诉进行处理。 Procedures 程序 1.Greet and acknowledge the guest appropriately. 适度的问候和答谢客人。 2.Invite the guest to the Guest Services’ Desk or Offer the guest to the lounge for a discussion – this is to move the guest away from the Front Desk to avoid making a scene. 邀请客人到客户服务台或为客人提供谈话的休息室 ——- 其目的在于将客人带离前台以避免出现不良场景。 3. Listen to the guest complaints carefully, maintain eye contact, do not make funny faces or giggle no matter what the complaint, take down any details if necessary. 仔细聆听客人投诉,维持眼神交流,无论投诉内容如何,不得流露滑稽或好笑的表情。如有必要记录下任何细节。
4.Show empathy and make sure the guest feels that you understand his situation, and apologize for the inconvenience caused. 显示理解的神态,并确定客人感觉到你已理解之,同时对给客人造成的不便表示歉意。 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Subject: Guest Complaints and Disputes  Policy No: FO-GSM-017                                       5.If the guest will not quiet down, or demands to see the manager, it is advisable to seek assistance from a colleague with a higher position. 如果客人情绪没有稳定下来,或要求见经理,可取的方法是邀请职位较高的同事处理该事件。 6.Resolve the matter immediately by offering alternatives that ensure the interest of both the guest and the hotel. 及时确定对客人和酒店都有利的、可供选择的方案供客人选择。 7.If the matter could not be resolved immediately, inform the guest the necessary action to be taken and will keep him duly informed until he is satisfied with the situation. 如果事件不能被迅速地解决,适时地告知客人采取的必要措施直到其满意。 8. Thank the customer for bringing up the matter to assist the hotel to rectify it shortcomings 感谢客人对酒店的支持 —— 指出酒店不足,帮助其改正。 9.Check back with the customer to ensure satisfaction 回访顾客以确保顾客满意。 10.Log down the incident in the Log Book for Management review. 在记事本上记录事件以便管理层检查。 Ensure that all details are recorded in the guest’s profile for future reference. 确定所有关于客人的细节,以便将来参考之用。 Remarks 备注 : Do not 不要 :  Talk the guest down 带有歧视性语言 Be defensive 带有防御性的 Be impatient 不耐烦的 Blame another employee or department 责怪其他顾客或部门 Blame the guest 责怪顾客 Do not argue back 不要反复争论