Service English For F&B (Chinese Restaurant)
预订 Accepting Reservation
How many people do you have , please? 您一行有多少人呢?
For what time? 您要订几点的位子呢?
May I have your name and telephone number? 能告诉我您的名字及电话吗?
We’ll hold the table for 15 minutes. 我们为您保留桌子15分钟。
We look forward to seeing you. 我们期盼您的光临。
客满 Fully Booked
I’m sorry, sir, we don’t have any table left for 8:00 tonight. 抱歉,我们八点钟没位子。
We are fully booked until next Monday. 下个星期一之前位子都订满了。
I’ll call you when there is a free table. 一有位子我们将尽快通知您。
迎客&引客 Seating The Guests
Good evening, sir. Welcome to Yue Chinese restaurant. 晚上好欢迎光临悦中餐厅。
Do you have a reservation? 请问您预订了吗?
Sorry, the restaurant is full now, could you wait for a moment? 对不起,现在餐厅客满了,请稍等。
This way, please. 这边请。
Be careful of the steps/slippery floor. 小心台阶/地滑。
Would you like to sit here? 坐这里好吗?
How about this table? 坐这里怎样?
You can sit where you like. 您可以随便坐。
I’m sorry, his table is reserved. 对不起,这张桌子有人订了。
Can I get a high chair for the baby? 我能摆一张婴儿椅吗?
Here is the menu. 给您 菜单 。
点单 Taking Order
Excuse me, sir, are you ready to order?/May I take your order? 先生,打扰一下,现在可以 点菜 了吗?
Please take your time, I’ll be back to take your order. 请慢慢看,我回头为您点餐。
What kind of tea would you like? We have Longjing, puer tea, Jasmine tea Tieguanyin and so on. 您要喝什么茶呢?我们有龙井茶,普洱茶,茉莉花茶,铁观音等。
Would you like something to drink? 您想喝点什么呢?
I’m afraid it will take some time for this dish, about 25 minutes. Do you mind waiting a little bit longer? 恐怕这道菜要等25分钟,您介意吗?
Your dishes will sent to you in 15 minutes. 您的点菜15分钟后上桌。
I’m very sorry, Roast Duck is sold out now 对不起,片皮鸭暂时售完了。
What else would you like? 请问还需要什么吗?
Would you like some soup? 要不要来点什么汤?
Would you like some dessert? 要来点甜点吗?
So, you have ordered …, is that right? 您点了……,对吗?
May I repeat your order? 我能重复一下您点的菜吗?
We are glad to make it for you. But I have to ask the chef if we have the materials. 我们很乐意为您做这个菜式,但我必须要问一问我们 厨师 有没有材料。
Please enjoy your meal. 请慢用
点单建议 Making Recommendation
1.Today’s special is… 今天的特色菜有……
2.May I suggest the Roast Crispy Chicken? It’s our chef recommendation. 我能推荐披海悦脆皮鸡吗?那是我们大厨的拿手菜。
3.It’s delicious and worth a try. 它味道鲜美,值得一尝。
4 Roast Crispy Chicken is very popular in our restaurant.海悦脆皮鸡在我们餐厅非常受欢迎.
5. It’s very tasty. Would you like to try it? 这道菜非常可口,要不要尝尝?
6.Why not try some? 为什么不尝尝呢?
◆ 上菜 Serving The Dishes
Excuse me, sir, your dishes are ready, would you like it served now? 打扰一下,先生,您的菜准备好了,现在可以上了吗?
This dish is very hot, please be careful. 这道菜很烫,小心。
Here is your soup.这是您点的汤。
It’s better using while hot.趁热吃比较好。
餐间服务 Service During The meal
Excuse me. 对不起,请让一让
Sorry to interrupt you. 打搅一下。
May I put the plate away? 我能把盘子收走吗?
Would you like it cooked a little longer? 要不要把它再煮一下?
5. Could you like some more red wine? 给您再添点红酒好吗?
结帐 Presenting The Bill
Here is your check/bill, sir. 这是您的帐单,先生。
How would you like to pay for it? 您想怎样结帐呢?
Would you like to pay together or separately? 请问您要分单呢还是一起付?
Please wait minute. I’ll be back with your changes and invoice.请稍等,我一会给您找零和发票。
May I have your room number? 能告诉我您的房间号吗?
Will you please sign on the bill, sir? 先生,请在帐单上签字。
送客 Leave-Taking
Hope to see you again.期盼您的下次光临。
See you.再见
Thank you for your coming.谢谢您的光临。
I hope you have enjoyed your dinner.希望您吃得满意。
处理客人投诉 Handling the complains
I’m sorry, it’s our fault. 对不起,这是我们的错。
I wan t to apologize, is there anything I could do? 对不起,我能做什么?
I’m sorry for giving you the wrong dish. I’ll change it immediately for you. 真的很抱歉上错了,我马上替你换
I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. I’ll go to the kitchen to check对不起让您久等了,我马上到厨房查看
I’m sorry, I’ll call our manager. 对不起,我去叫我们经理来。
I assure you it won’t happen again. 我保证不会再发生了。