Basic knowledge of hotel 酒店相关业务知识
Telephone 电话用语
May I have the number, please? 请告诉我电话号码好吗?
Please hold the line a moment. 请不要房电话。
There is no answer. 没人接电话。
Would you like me to page him? 您要我为您呼他吗?
The line is busy. 占线
The line is free. 线通了。
Shall I ask him to return your call? 请他给您回电话好吗?
I ’ ll transfer your call. 我把您的电话转过去。
Front Office 前厅
I would like to check-in please. 我想现在登记。
How would you like to pay, by cash or by credit card?
May I show you to your room? 请允许我带您去您的房间。
Do you have a reservation? 您有预定么?
In case you need any help, please contact us.
What time will you check-out? 您打算什么时间结帐?
Would you like a smoking or non-smoking room?
Our rack rate is 600 Yuan. 我们的市场价是 600 元。
Did you use anything from our mini bar? 您是否用过房间里 MINI 吧?
Here is your bill. 这是您的帐单。
Would you please check it? 您查一下好么?
Would you mind moving to another room? 您介意搬到另一间房间么?
Can you book this on my room account? 可否把它计入我的房费?
Which kind of room you prefer, a twin or a suite?
How many nights would you like to stay?
May I ask for your deposit please?
Food and Beverage 餐饮
I can recommend our special of the month. 我向您推荐本月的特色菜。
Would you like to try our buffet or a la carte? 您想吃零点还是自助餐?
Will this table be to your satisfaction? 这张桌子您满意么?
To prepare the pizza will take around 30 minutes.
做一张比萨饼大约 30 分钟。
You ’ d like everything on top? 您所有的调料都要么?
May I repeat your order? 我可以重复一下您点的东西么?
May I repeat your order, sir? 先生,我重复一下您点的菜好么?
Is there anything else I can bring you? 您还需要点什么?
You might order two more dishes. 您可以多点两个菜。
How many guests are coming? 请问有几位?
What time would you like to arrive? 您们什么时候到达?
Here is the menu for you, Sir/Madam. 这是菜单,先生 / 女士

May I suggest Tsingtao Beer with your meal? It goes well with it.
Would you like to see the drink/wine list? 您是否要看饮料 / 酒水单?
Housekeeping 客房
May I clean your room? 我可以为您打扫房间么?
Shall I clean the room now or later? 请问是现在清扫房间还是一会?
Do you have anything to be cleaned? 您有衣服要洗吗?
Turn down service may I come in? 开夜床服务,我能进来吗?
Can I have it pressed? 请你们熨一熨好吗?
I ’ ll send someone to pick it up. 我会派人去取。
There is a surcharge for express service. 加快服务将收取附加费。
Please complete the laundry list. 请填好洗衣单。
I ’ ll send the, to your room as soon as possible.
I am the attendant, would you please show me your room card?
Sales & marketing 销售
I will get back to you in a couple of days with the facts you requested.
If you need further information please don ’ t hesitate to contact me.
I will try my best to get that information for you.
I will get back to you as soon as possible with an answer.
Can we meet at another time to discuss this in more detail? 我们能再约个时间商谈细节吗?
Thank you for your time. 多谢占了您的时间。
Price is important, but certainly so is quality. 价格很重要,但质量更重要。